Now and Then: Gerrard and Carlaw

Carlaw and Gerrard, 1915. At the time there was only one underpass that Carlaw and Gerrard shared. Source: City of Toronto Archives

Map of Gerrard and Carlaw in 1924 showing the one underpass of the railway. Source City of Toronto Archives Fire Insurance Plans

Gerrard looking West from Carlaw, 1923. Source: City of Toronto Archives

Carlaw and Gerrard Looking north from the underpass. 1917. Source: City of Toronto Archives

Gerrard St, and Carlaw Ave, 1930. Note the streetcar tracks on Carlaw. This was part of the somewhat confusingly named Harbord streetcar line . Source: City of Toronto Archives

Gerrard Street, West of Carlaw. 1930. Source: City of Toronto Archives

Carlaw street at Gerrard in 2014, looking south. The tracks on Carlaw are gone.

Gerrard Street looking West in 2014. You can see there are separate underpasses for both Carlaw and Gerrard. There is now a small bit of greenspace between the new and old alignments of Gerrard street

Gerrard looking west towards Carlaw in 2014.